Sunday, October 25, 2009

Growing up with a kid...

So the little one has been around for 3 months and just over a week and we think he likes living with us :) It is pretty amazing to see Dominic grow and learn right before our eyes. Yesterday he decided to start 'talking', I mean he would let out a little yelp or coo every now and then for a while, but he is really finding his vocal cords as of late, and he is loving it! He's also really starting to enjoy tummy time, picking up his head and sitting up, giving him a different view of the world.

Dominic's also started developing his own little personality and so far it's a good mixture of flirty and happy...always smiling and giggling.

He picked up something from Suz and I and that is when he is hungry, he is hungry now! One of the cutest things he does is when he is not happy he has a pouty face...not sure where he picked it up, but he sucks his upper lip in and pushes his lower lip out, and it hysterical...right up until he starts to cry!

On a side note last night we were able to have a chili festival at our house. This was the first little shin dig we were able to have since Dominic arrived. It was a good time with about 12 people making chili's and about 35 people coming over. Sadly between hosting the party and taking care of Dominic we were not able to take pictures. Suz and I are still trying to get used to taking pictures while we are doing stuff, give us time, we'll try to get better at it! A few more pics of the little guy with Mom and Dad!

Stay tuned for Halloween pictures coming next week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Final Weeks!

With the estimated birth date being July 24, we are under two weeks away. Dominic, at this point, seems to be very comfortable where he's at, so we're not expecting an early debut. I, on the other hand, am finding it hard to even bend down! I feel I have been very lucky in pregnancy ...everything has been very tolerable, so I can't complain much. Definitely ready to return to a non-pregnant state at this point though! Of course, above all, Leo and I are both just very anxious to meet this kid!

We have been very busy with "baby-prepping", but we have found some time to do other fun stuff as well. Leo completed his fourth 14,000+ ft mountain, Mt. Bierstadt, on Saturday with his colleague, Mark. That was after celebrating Lisa's birthday with sushi and bowling on Friday night! On Monday night, we are going to be watching Office Space at Red Rocks as a part of their summer movie nights with a big group of our buddies. Fun stuff.

Something fun for you all as we sign off, a "date and weight" poll! Put your guesses for Dominic's birth date and weight in the comments section. The people who are the closest in each category will get a little something from us and the little man :)

A couple pics of the belly fresh from the new camera (Nikon D60) :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Early June!

Wow May was super busy, Suz and I were prepping the place for the baby shower, got away for a "babymoon" bed and breakfast up in Ft. Collins, then had the baby shower and now here we are, 33 weeks in! So this will be a fast one, as I have an exam tomorrow. Already passed my EMT class, then got the National Registry out of the way. Tomorrow is a test called the DRCOG. It's a fire fighter specific exam, mainly personality, reasoning and mechanical ability, we'll update how I did on it later in the week. We'll also upload a few shots from the babymoon and the baby shower. By the way thanks to all who came and most importantly all who helped make it happen! Until then, a few shots of the growing kid!

Week 33: