Sunday, November 30, 2008

Really didn't need the pool in the basement....

So we are coming back from a great Thanksgiving family vacation in Las Vegas. On the drive back, we hit a snow storm from Vail to Idaho Springs...making 11 hour trip into almost 14...

4:30am we drop Lisa, Paul and Biggie off at their place. We make plans to meet tomorrow to distribute the luggage strapped to the roof. This is mainly due to the gusting wind, snow and 30 degree weather.

5am...we are home! Still snowing and the Xterra will not fit in the garage with the luggage on top. Leo: 'Should we take the luggage off the rack?' Suz: 'No.' Awesome plan let's get some sleep.

We walk into the house...Leo: 'Huh, why does it sound like the water is running?' Suz: '...', Leo walks down stairs...squish squish...what the hell the carpet is soaked. *click* turn on the basement lights, water is pouring out of the basement bedroom window, 'HOLY SHIT! SUZ WATER!".. Suz runs down the stairs, Suz: 'Huh? OH MY...' *SPLASH SPLASH* Leo is running through the basement up the stairs...Leo: 'SUZ TURN OFF THE MAIN WATER VALVE!'.

Leo runs outside into the snow to look at the window...The hose bib outside has a splitter that burst and gushing water for who knows how long...the window wells are filled with water creating this beautiful new basement waterfall we never really needed or wanted. Leo runs back inside 'HOLY SHIT...THE WINDOW WELLS ARE FILLED!'. With out missing a beat Suz runs to the closet that has the broom, mop and bucket, grabs the bucket. As she runs through the kitchen she grabs a Coleman ice chest...Leo thinks, GENIUS! Suz runs to one window well half full of water and quickly scoops the water out. Leo is working on the window well that is completely full and is partially under the deck.

Suz quickly runs over and they create a bucket line, Leo scoops, Suz empties the bucket away from the deck and window, preventing the water from going back into the well. All this took place in the matter of 10 minutes...problem solved, no more water pouring into the house. The next 30 minutes is spent talking to State Farm and Serve Pro setting up an appointment to get the water out of the basement. 6am...bed time.

10am Serve Pro guy: 'So your basement has a humidity reading of 92%'
11:30am Serve Pro guy: 'Got half your basement done...75 gallons of water so far...'
2pm Serve Pro guy: 'I've never seen humidity readings this high, should be dry in a few days, we need to get more blowers to dry out the basement we'll be back a little later...'

So this is where we stand right now...half the basement furniture is on the main floor, we are exhausted...but with the snow falling here, so we still have some Christmas spirit and have decided we are getting a Christmas tree tonight...and as a reward are going to open each others gift we bought to liven up our spirits. Suz put the situation in perspective when she said, "Well at least the house didn't burn down..." so true, because if it did, we wouldn't be able to take the nap we needing right about now.

For now it's nap time...been traveling since 3pm yesterday and got about 3 hours of sleep...