Sunday, July 12, 2009

Final Weeks!

With the estimated birth date being July 24, we are under two weeks away. Dominic, at this point, seems to be very comfortable where he's at, so we're not expecting an early debut. I, on the other hand, am finding it hard to even bend down! I feel I have been very lucky in pregnancy ...everything has been very tolerable, so I can't complain much. Definitely ready to return to a non-pregnant state at this point though! Of course, above all, Leo and I are both just very anxious to meet this kid!

We have been very busy with "baby-prepping", but we have found some time to do other fun stuff as well. Leo completed his fourth 14,000+ ft mountain, Mt. Bierstadt, on Saturday with his colleague, Mark. That was after celebrating Lisa's birthday with sushi and bowling on Friday night! On Monday night, we are going to be watching Office Space at Red Rocks as a part of their summer movie nights with a big group of our buddies. Fun stuff.

Something fun for you all as we sign off, a "date and weight" poll! Put your guesses for Dominic's birth date and weight in the comments section. The people who are the closest in each category will get a little something from us and the little man :)

A couple pics of the belly fresh from the new camera (Nikon D60) :)