Sunday, July 12, 2009

Final Weeks!

With the estimated birth date being July 24, we are under two weeks away. Dominic, at this point, seems to be very comfortable where he's at, so we're not expecting an early debut. I, on the other hand, am finding it hard to even bend down! I feel I have been very lucky in pregnancy ...everything has been very tolerable, so I can't complain much. Definitely ready to return to a non-pregnant state at this point though! Of course, above all, Leo and I are both just very anxious to meet this kid!

We have been very busy with "baby-prepping", but we have found some time to do other fun stuff as well. Leo completed his fourth 14,000+ ft mountain, Mt. Bierstadt, on Saturday with his colleague, Mark. That was after celebrating Lisa's birthday with sushi and bowling on Friday night! On Monday night, we are going to be watching Office Space at Red Rocks as a part of their summer movie nights with a big group of our buddies. Fun stuff.

Something fun for you all as we sign off, a "date and weight" poll! Put your guesses for Dominic's birth date and weight in the comments section. The people who are the closest in each category will get a little something from us and the little man :)

A couple pics of the belly fresh from the new camera (Nikon D60) :)


MA PRICE said...

Suzi, you look great! I am so happy that the pregnancy has been good to you! We are all so excited for you and Leo! Dominic is a very lucky boy. Have you attended classes, visited the hospital maternity floor and packed your bag?? How is Lucy doing?? We will be there in spirit!
Mom and Jean

MA PRICE said...

The "link" is not working for me.
My guess: 7/24 (you were born on your due date) and 7lbs 4 oz.
Jean's guess: 7/28 (would you think otherwise??) and 8 lbs.

Cheri said...

Yay, you are soooo close! Here's my guess:
July 22 1:42am
7lb 3oz, 19 3/4"

I'm so excited for you both! Enjoy these last few days of dink-dom (dual income, no kids) ;)

Kelly_new said...

I'm so excited for you both! You're going to be such amazing parents, which is good because I'll need *a lot* of guidance when my time comes...many, many moons from now!! Ok, I'm going with July 25th and 7lbs 6 oz.

Breanne said...

My guess:
Birthday: July 27th
Weight: 7lb. 8oz.

The magic eight ball says it will be a boy :)


Auntie Julie said...

I'm going with August 1st...I think the little guy's gonna be a procrastinator :)
And because he'll be a week past his due date I'm guessing he'll be 8 lbs 3 oz. - still 5 oz short of his mama, ha ha!

Unknown said...

I, Auntie Lisa Ann, say it'll be July 29th, and he shall be 7 pounds 2 ounces!

Nonno Peppe said...

Suzanne, wonderful pictures, you sure look super!
Ok ... here is my guess.
Dominic will be born on July 26
@ 8:27 pm. Weight 8 lbs 1 oz.

Mama Josie guess: born on 7/26 @9:00 am. Weight 8 lbs & 0 oz.

Love you guys.... see you soon.

Papa Joe

Jamie said...

Suz you are the cutest preggo lady ever!

My guess: 7/26 (the best birthday ever) at 12:13pm weighing in at 7lbs and 9oz

The Rak's said...

My guess is 7/26/09, 8 lbs 5 oz.

I will call him Baby Butterball! I am so happy for the two of you.

Unknown said...

Hey guys-i have heard so much about you from Stew and am excited to meet you and your new little guy! My guess is the 23rd at 10pm weighing 7lbs 2oz. Kelley K.

stewie said...

Since the best day to be born has passed, July 14...he will be born:

July 30 at 7:30 AM, weighing 7lbs 30 ounces.

Now Suz...we are going to need you and Dominic Stewart Meli to hold on tight...if the doctor temps you with drugs to induce, you refrain from that urge...until July 30th that is...

Grandpa Kurpeski said...

Gayle 7lbs 6oz B-day 7-23, Grandpa says 7lbs 5oz B-day 7-29 Thanks for up dated blog & pictures, looks like you are ready to POP ! I have a trip to western Iowa for Enterprise tomorrow that will take a overnight, because we have other runs before we leave. I'll call soon Dad