Friday, January 30, 2009

Work topic - how long is to long?

Leo here. Ok this is something that I thought only micromanaging managers do, but noticed I got caught in this vicious cycle sometimes.

You go to visit a coworker or a manager at their desk and they are busy, on the phone or in another conversation...

What do you do? Do you hang out waiting for it to end or to be noticed, if so how long? Do you do a little knock and hold up 3 or 5 fingers, basically asking how long until I should come back (which is what I do)? Do you just jump into a conversation, possibly being 'that guy'?

Personally I hate the people that silently sit around waiting...and waiting...and waiting or butt in on your conversation, completely throwing everything out of wack. I mean I can understand, hanging around for a minute then leaving; but if others noticed you hanging around, then quietly walk off, don't you feel a bit like an unloved, unnoticed red-headed step child that nobody wants to even look at?

  • So how long is to long to wait around?
  • Does anybody get that, 'oh crap I'm committed to waiting around until they notice me' feeling, explaining the oddness of a person just silently standing around invading the sanctity of your cubicle air space?
  • Has anybody been on the receiving end of the odd person waiting around to speak to you? And what did you do? Continue talking on the phone after the other person hung up? Keep your earphones on acting like you can't hear you...testing them to touch you or your desk?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy times in the land of freeze...

Not sure if you all knew or not, but it's been damn cold out here as of late. You'd think, well if it's cold and you are in the house, why not put up a blog entry since it's been 2 weeks! Well Suz and I have been busy here...

First off, we never posted the 12 week ultra sound. Remember I told you the baby turned away before the ultrasound-ist-er took the shot, giving us a great shot of what I can only describe as a blob with a freaky looking skeletor image for a head? Well we are now convinced that our child looks like the following:

That includes the swank clothing and the surroundings (yes the baby is sitting pretty high in Suz's rib cage). So, we made an executive decision...that the above picture is close enough to what the ultrasound looks like. If we are forced to post the image we will (ie - if enough people say, just post it! and by 'enough people' I mean when Suz says, fine just post it). So in all reality there has been no change on the baby front, BUT we will post a belly pic this weekend (which goes back to us being busy).

We are taking on a few things right now, painting the house, painting the baby room, trying to stay active (went for a hike in the snow...more on that later) and Suz works some funky schedule where she is either home by 6pm or home by 930pm, and I started my EMT courses. Needless to say I do not want this post to go crazy long, but rest assured we will update soon...Friday for sure I will post our great hiking story where it was snowing, we lost Lucy and Suz's phone got washed in the washing machine! Until Friday!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 12 Ultrasound

We had the 12 week ultrasound today...well not me, I don't have a bun in the oven, but Suzi We = Suz in this case. But I was there and holy moly was it cool as hell! In all reality this was to make sure the kid was developing and alive and measure the risk of Down Syndrom (ie - nuchal fold screening). We will be getting the results of that measurement on Friday, but the ultrasound person or sonographer or whoever it was (it was not our awesome NP Mindy) said it is looking really good.

Ok the ultra cool part. First images came up and the little kid was laid back like it was on a hammock in Hawaii! You can see it all! Arms, check. Legs, check. Head, check... As the ultrasound went on, I swear I saw mini Meli cover up his or her ears for a while and then it rolled away from the scan (and stayed that way for the rest of duration)! The profile was just amazing to look at...when it turned away, well...can't really tell what the heck it is. Unfortunately that is the image we were given from the ultrasound, baby facing away. While we didn't get to hear the heart beat it was measured at 156/minute. That is pretty crazy when you think about it...that is my heart rate when I am in a pretty intense run, and this kid is doing it that as it's resting heart rate. Maybe that has to do with the fact that it's developing everything...I'm not sure. I will post the images this weekend, because like I said...not a great shot and can't really tell what the heck it is.

So it looks like the next appointment is for the 20 week know what that means right? Yup, we'll see if all of your sex predictions were right or wrong! So the second week of March...with some quick calculations...about 53 days and we will all know if mini Meli has an inie or an outie.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Into 2009!

Hey all,
Suz and I are back in Denver and are getting use to the working life again. It's been a tough adjustment from no work for two weeks to working again. Sadly on our trip out to Arizona we brought our camera with full intentions of using it...a lot, I think we started out strong and then as soon as we got around family we let it slide to little to no use. So here is the first half of our trip, basically showing our little run from Denver to Los Alamos, NM and on to Kingman (LINK). Sadly our trip to Phoenix is not captured, but Suz and I did a TON of hiking with Julie and Harley and I got to mountain bike with my buddy Stew a couple times. We also got to test our parenting skills on our little niece Reagan...well maybe more like babysitting skills since we basically tried to put her to bed a couple times. I have to admit I was pretty darn clueless when it came to transitioning Reagan from sleeping in my arms to putting her in her crib...
Me: awwww...little Reagan is asleep! Oh do I put her down with out waking her up? Look to Suz...whisper "how do I put her down?"
Suz whispering: "just put her down..."
Me: huh...makes sense, but, "how do I do it with out waking her up?"
Suz: "Put her down and put the blanket on"
It worked! It sounds easy, but seriously I did not want to wake her up and have to work on trying to settle her down, I mean I'm still working on how to put the baby in a crib! But like I said it worked and I did get this nice little warm fuzzy that somehow this skill will come in handy come July-ish.

Ok, so let me throw up a few pics of my sexy wife at 12 weeks. We don't see a change as of yet, but we are figuring it will start happening pretty soon!
From Pregnant Suz
From Pregnant Suz

Tomorrow is a going to be our week 12 ultrasound and finally meeting the Dr. that is supposed to be delivering our kid, so I'm pretty excited about it all! On a slight tangent Suz and I won't know the sex of the baby until March-ish and it looks like the polling is tightening up as to if it is a boy or girl, BUT we decided to start painting up the nursery. We got the paint scheme from a little dive bar we found here in Denver called Sputnik and it is just awesome! It's a good mix of colors and we figured it would work for either sex so we are moving forward with it, hoping to have it done long before we feel rushed to pick sky blue or pink and just get it done. Not sure if you've seen the room anytime in the past year, but it's an electric blue and would surely lead any human to go crazy if left in there for more then 23 minutes and 19 seconds (tested's true).

Ok with that I will sign off and I making a promise to take more pics! I'll flash up nursery progression shots as well in future posts.