Friday, January 30, 2009

Work topic - how long is to long?

Leo here. Ok this is something that I thought only micromanaging managers do, but noticed I got caught in this vicious cycle sometimes.

You go to visit a coworker or a manager at their desk and they are busy, on the phone or in another conversation...

What do you do? Do you hang out waiting for it to end or to be noticed, if so how long? Do you do a little knock and hold up 3 or 5 fingers, basically asking how long until I should come back (which is what I do)? Do you just jump into a conversation, possibly being 'that guy'?

Personally I hate the people that silently sit around waiting...and waiting...and waiting or butt in on your conversation, completely throwing everything out of wack. I mean I can understand, hanging around for a minute then leaving; but if others noticed you hanging around, then quietly walk off, don't you feel a bit like an unloved, unnoticed red-headed step child that nobody wants to even look at?

  • So how long is to long to wait around?
  • Does anybody get that, 'oh crap I'm committed to waiting around until they notice me' feeling, explaining the oddness of a person just silently standing around invading the sanctity of your cubicle air space?
  • Has anybody been on the receiving end of the odd person waiting around to speak to you? And what did you do? Continue talking on the phone after the other person hung up? Keep your earphones on acting like you can't hear you...testing them to touch you or your desk?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

30 seconds is too long to wait around. I pop in, act like I'm sorry for barging in, try and walk away quickly but ultimately accomplish what I want which is the response of..."Oh no no, don't go anywhere. I'll be done in 2 seconds!" Success!!!

If someone does it to me and silently waits around, I glare at them quickly, look away and plug my other ear with my finger. That'll teach them to invade my space and silently interupting me!!!