Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy times in the land of freeze...

Not sure if you all knew or not, but it's been damn cold out here as of late. You'd think, well if it's cold and you are in the house, why not put up a blog entry since it's been 2 weeks! Well Suz and I have been busy here...

First off, we never posted the 12 week ultra sound. Remember I told you the baby turned away before the ultrasound-ist-er took the shot, giving us a great shot of what I can only describe as a blob with a freaky looking skeletor image for a head? Well we are now convinced that our child looks like the following:

That includes the swank clothing and the surroundings (yes the baby is sitting pretty high in Suz's rib cage). So, we made an executive decision...that the above picture is close enough to what the ultrasound looks like. If we are forced to post the image we will (ie - if enough people say, just post it! and by 'enough people' I mean when Suz says, fine just post it). So in all reality there has been no change on the baby front, BUT we will post a belly pic this weekend (which goes back to us being busy).

We are taking on a few things right now, painting the house, painting the baby room, trying to stay active (went for a hike in the snow...more on that later) and Suz works some funky schedule where she is either home by 6pm or home by 930pm, and I started my EMT courses. Needless to say I do not want this post to go crazy long, but rest assured we will update soon...Friday for sure I will post our great hiking story where it was snowing, we lost Lucy and Suz's phone got washed in the washing machine! Until Friday!

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