Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mini Meli's room is complete!

Well, Suz and I put our nose to the grind stone and just knocked it out Saturday. Today we put the final trim up and lastly we just need to paint the trim white (it has white primer on there now, so it's good enough for picture time :) ).

A little fun day Sunday today also, we got out with some buddies and did some out door activities. We all hit up Apex open space park in Golden, Suz and Becky Lutz hiked it, myself, Jeff Sammis, Mark Jetten and Ben (can't remember your last name) biked it...needless to say it was wonderful to be out and about. Last weekend and Saturday kept us in do to some spring weather. We did make a little deal though, one weekend a month we will be doing a hike and brunch. Find a nice hike for Sunday morning and a new breakfast/brunch place to eat afterwards, starting next weekend. Well take some pics to show it all off :)

Ok with out further adu (is that how you spell that???), Mini Meli's room!

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