Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 28 AND Finals Weeks

So this will be a quick post for us here in Denver, I have a crazy week that actually started Saturday. The quick and dirty I'm in my last week of the EMT class. Saturday we had an extra lab on vehicle extrication and prepping for the practicals, that basically went from 9am to 3pm. Sunday (today) I had my final clinical, WOOHOO!!!! Have to say it was truly amazing, I'll have to make a post about it after this week. But moving on I have an exam tomorrow, the Final on Wednesday, last Lab on Thursday and the practicals on Saturday. Oh and a busy week indeed!

Well Suz and Mini Meli are marching along. Tonight he must have had an elbow or knee or butt pressing against Suz's belly because there was this cool little bulge and a hard spot on the lower right part of her stomach! This Thursday Suz goes in for her glucose test and that is really about all we have planned on the baby front. Here are those magical little shots of the belly, rapidly growing away!

Until next week!

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