Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All alone...

Suz is out in San Fran and seriously this blog has been all about her so I thought I'd update you as to my status. Sunday I cut my thumb...pretty badly.... The dialog was something like this:
Suz: Hey sick boy!
Leo: Yes my loverly wife?
Suz: Your sick right?
Leo: Yes dear.
Suz: Cut the onions, you won't cry since you can't breath.
Leo: Seriously?
I showed her...I cried anyway...when I snipped off half of a tip of my THUMB!

WARNING: These images can be disturbing to viewers. Wait was that supposed to go before the pics? It doesn't matter they were not that bad.

DO NOT BASH MY CULINARY KNIFE SKILLS! I was rolling heavy on a concoction of Musinex (DM no less!), Theraflu and Nyquil (not the day time stuff). The good news is that the thumb tip did not make it into the chili. If it did...I'd still eat it, we spend good money on that ground beef and buffalo! Yeah buffalo, even you'd eat it now huh? Either way...I have to say, I did not use my thumb for most of Monday...and it is actually a bit difficult to button and unbutton shirts and pants. Try it out. Tonight before bed or before a bathroom run, try not using one of your thumbs, you'll stop taking that guy for granted real quick like.

Lastly, I do have to thank Edith Smagala for digging up this LINK (thanks Edith!). They came out of a book titled Safe Baby Handling Tips (Board book), though I'm not so sure 'Washing Baby' is all that incorrect...judge for yourself.

PS - If you want an email when ever this is updated shoot me an email at leoandsuzi@gmail.com, we'll add you to the list.


Unknown said...

LOL love the Do's and Dont's...and the story :)

Unknown said...

The picture captions are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you Leo...is there any part of your body that is not bruised?!