Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Suzi is pregnant, Leo is not (but he helped)

Yes it's true we are having a baby! It's still early but we found out November 22, after three pregnancy tests. We narrowed it down to my trip out to visit Suz in Portland, October 31st, making Suz about 6 weeks pregnant.

Suz is insisting that we take pictures of her amazingly flat belly before it is forever lost to the vigors of child bearing. So our goal here is track Suz's belly progression on a weekly schedule. We are gunning for Sunday belly pic days, I'm pretty sure we won't see a change anytime soon, but hey it's always fun to take pics!

We want to know what people think, Boy or Girl? (Poll is on the left part of the screen)

So here are Suzi's week 6 pics, enjoy!
From Pregnant Suz

From Pregnant Suz


BrAnt said...

Where will you grow the baby? There is NO ROOM in your tum tum! ;) As for my vote...I changed it to a "boy" who will be in touch with his fem. side. :)

Anonymous said...

Now this is a close one. The Chinese conception calendar says "boy" if you conceived in October, but "girl" if you conceived in November. So please let me know what time you got busy on the evening of the 31st and I can make a more informed decision. I'm going with girl assuming it was after an evening out and a couple of drinks....isn't that how everyone's conceived?? ;)

Nonna Josie said...

Well, my vote is in...I say it's going to be a little boy :) but I will be equally happy if it turns out to be a little girl :)

Anonymous said...

Uhmmm I only WISH that I was as in shape as the amazing Suz! Crap, I look like I'm preggo and I'm not. Thanks for the motivation to get in shape! And yeah, I didn't need to know when you kids did the dirty, dirty, nasty, nasty...

Anonymous said...

I voted boy. I don't know how good the Chinese conception calendar is. I was conceived in October, so that leads me to believe that the Chinese are backwards...meaning my boy prediction is correct. If I am wrong...I will give you guys $100.00 :)

Zia Lisa

Leo and Suzi Meli said...

Ant - Suz and I have been working on a leak proof baby to grow the baby in, until Suz creates more room.

Julie - I know it was raining...and we did a night of bar hoping and sushi eating...other then that...I don't remember, so most likely you are right about how everybody is conceived ;)

Jamie - probably should of held back on the dirty deed info, I talk too much though :)