Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas break through '09

Well we made it to Kingman, AZ and are staying with family for Christmas. Hit a few snow storms in western New Mexico and northern Arizona, but not to shabby of a drive! Well I just wanted to post a few pics that will have to last through the rest of the year and into early Jan. Last Friday we went in for another ultrasound, our NP (nurse practitioner) was unable to get a good measurement of Mini Meli. She got was she was looking for on this trip:

Looks as though the kid is right on schedule with initial thoughts so July 24th is the 'official' date of arrival. Of course this is all subject to change but based off of cycle calculations and now measurement of Mini's 'official'. All is good though and we are looking at the 12 week ultrasound coming up in Jan. Well update with the findings :) A few more pics of Suz's belly:

We will log off with that and rejoin sometime after the new year...Have a Merry Christmas and a great New Years!

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