Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 12 Ultrasound

We had the 12 week ultrasound today...well not me, I don't have a bun in the oven, but Suzi did...so We = Suz in this case. But I was there and holy moly was it cool as hell! In all reality this was to make sure the kid was developing and alive and measure the risk of Down Syndrom (ie - nuchal fold screening). We will be getting the results of that measurement on Friday, but the ultrasound person or sonographer or whoever it was (it was not our awesome NP Mindy) said it is looking really good.

Ok the ultra cool part. First images came up and the little kid was laid back like it was on a hammock in Hawaii! You can see it all! Arms, check. Legs, check. Head, check... As the ultrasound went on, I swear I saw mini Meli cover up his or her ears for a while and then it rolled away from the scan (and stayed that way for the rest of duration)! The profile was just amazing to look at...when it turned away, well...can't really tell what the heck it is. Unfortunately that is the image we were given from the ultrasound, baby facing away. While we didn't get to hear the heart beat it was measured at 156/minute. That is pretty crazy when you think about it...that is my heart rate when I am in a pretty intense run, and this kid is doing it that as it's resting heart rate. Maybe that has to do with the fact that it's developing everything...I'm not sure. I will post the images this weekend, because like I said...not a great shot and can't really tell what the heck it is.

So it looks like the next appointment is for the 20 week check...you know what that means right? Yup, we'll see if all of your sex predictions were right or wrong! So the second week of March...with some quick calculations...about 53 days and we will all know if mini Meli has an inie or an outie.


BrAnt said...

How exciting! :) I think that is so interesting that the heartrate is so high. Never thought that it would be due to the fact that it's developing all of its parts. Interesting, indeed! :) Go Mini Meli! Go!

Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! Can hardly wait for the month of March :)