Monday, February 9, 2009

Long over due....week 16!

Ok ok, we are terrible people...but we have had more craziness...the Xterra was in the shop for a week, we had Stewart in town over the weekend to go boarding (Suzi relaxed in the cabin) and this morning the Civic's battery was DEAD! the blog took some neglect here. But we are back hopefully going to try to get back on the weekly update schedule.

Suz is in her 'I'm feeling fat not pregnant' stage right now...but here we are at week 16 and she is on the low end of the weight gain schedule (only 5 lbs to date). Most likely due to her working out, pilates and soon to start up on the prenatal yoga...I think she works out more then me right now! A couple of shots of the pregnant one:

We are only 4 weeks away from finding out the sex of mini Meli, making it feel like time is flying and going sooooooooo s-l-o-w all at the same time.

In other baby news we have come to the conclusion of cloth diapering mini Meli. We have a friend that is doing it right now and she has been nothing short of an encyclopedia of information on the subject...Thanks Cheri! Knowing somebody that is going through cloth diapering (new age cloth - not 1980 cloth diapering) made the decision a little easier and after reading up about it I'm actually looking forward to it...well as much as you can look forward to cleaning up poopoo-kaka filled diapers...


Unknown said... belly! :)

Leo Meli said...

Nope no belly...She says she can feel it though, and she can tell when she looks down. I'm actually looking forward to when her belly starts to pop a bit!

Cheri said...

Woo-hoo - cloth diapers rock! I hope you guys like them as much as I do. I still have to pull out the adorable covers that I packed away. Then we'll have to meet up so I can give them to you (& show you how to work everything :-)
I can't see the belly pics at work, but I'm sure Suzi looks super cute!