Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Long days...and nights

As it stands right now I am officially exhausted. It has been a rough couple weeks as of late with long days at work and long nights in class and lab and when I get home several hours of reading and studying. Suz might work late some nights and so we see each other for a few hours a night each weekday, but hey it's still better then when she had her travel gig and I only saw her a couple weekends a month.

My second test is later today and even though I've been studying hard (see above paragraph), I am feeling a little under prepared. This test should be fairly simple, covering what we do when we are called to an emergency, ie- scene size up, initial assessment, airway/breathing/circulation management, Rapid (or focused) Trauma (or Medical) assessment, baseline vital signs, patient history, detailed trauma (or medical) assessment, re-evaluate...all pulled out of my memory, maybe I will be ready for this test...either way I'll let you know the results.

You all might know I'm an engineer and if you know me well, I was never into the medical field, I couldn't even watch discovery health with out wanting to vomit, and now here I am studying this stuff. Well with my zero medical background and understanding am I constantly on line looking up information, medical jargon, etc. During one study session I wanted to better understand when it is that you treat on scene or treat en route, this is called 'Stay and Play VS Load and Go (and to added into the mix Load and Play then Go)'. Anyway it must have been around midnight on Sunday when I started my search and I ran across a medics blog site.
'Street Watch: Notes of a Paramedic'
I ran across a specific blog entry that has actually made me think about going the full Paramedic route rather then simply EMT-B and trying to get into a Fire Department, and of course there is always the option of being a FF/Medic...but I digress. Reading the following post sent a rush down my spine that has kept me going and focused all week on my upcoming test and end goals of finding a job that brings in more then a nice paycheck, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

PS- we get to sign up for clinicals tonight, getting to put a little peddle to the metal in a couple weeks! I will update you all on how those go.

PPS-Suz and I are set for the next ultrasound, March 10th, 10am...Mini Meli will officially be male or female!

PPPS-I'm starting to think all this lack of sleep is a small intro to the amount of sleep I'll get as a father, probably not, I'll probably be getting a whole lot less.

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