Sunday, February 22, 2009

House Painting and other pregnancy no-no's

Well we needed to do it...the walls inside the house was this beige-pink color that was tolerable when we moved in about 18 months ago. Lately it has been making me seriously question buying a walking stick and covering my eyes (possibly with one of those really fancy-dancy eye pillows that smell of jasmine while simultaneously reducing swelling) for the duration of my existence in our house. Luckily Suz, who is starting to occasionally suffer from baby brain, came up with a better solution....why not paint the place?

Well that idea has been thought of (sometime around Thanksgiving time) and implemented, only two walls have been completed since operation paint the ugly walls was thought of. Oh but Suzi's brain didn't stop where mine did, she sent out the bat signal and we had a painting party! Our friends are better people then me, I'll tell you that much...thanks to Lisa, Becky, Lucas, Edith and James we knocked out our entire main floor in about 6 hours! I'd post pictures but I need better lighting, the flash on our point and shoot is terrible.

I know I know, but women with preggers are not supposed to paint...well the way we looked at it, our parents all painted the baby room at some point, most likely when they were pregnant and we turned out marginal, so we extrapolated that to painting the rest of the house, and then going out to get sushi...WOAH! WHAT?!?! SUZ HAD SUSHI???? Well Japanese people don't just up and change their diet, and frankly that country produces some amazingly smart yeah not sure how else to defend it.

Anywho, Suz is feeling a bit more baby movement, not like Mini Meli is doing triple sow cows or anything, maybe it is...but she feels 'flutters', not to be confused with gas, which I guess it sometimes is confused for, but trust us it's baby movement. OK on to week 18 pics:

Ok, last thing...this weeks topic of study for my EMT class is Airway anatomy, physiology and management...needless to say there are many pictures. Some very disturbing (ie - airway compromise due to soft tissue damage to the face and burning of the face/upper airway) and some that just made me laugh, such as this:

It might be hard to see, but the image is depicting a man in respiratory distress or failure. To me it came off more as an Asian man wondering what the hell happened to his arms and torso. Maybe not so funny to you all, but I laughed my butt off in the library this afternoon...

1 comment:

MA PRICE said...

Love the update in pictures....missing week 20! We are anxiously waiting for the ultrasound results! are going to make a great EMT or Paramedic if you choose that! I predict that it will be in your "blood" and you will continue on into the medical field! Wait until you get a dose of the Emergency room or flight nursing or even riding the rig...
Ma Price