Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 23

So week 23 is here and Suzi is still growing away, which is a good thing of course! Here are the belly pics:

On a somewhat related note, Denver got hit with a blizzard on Thursday, shutting down the Lockheed Facility and the EF office, as did a lot of other businesses making for a long drive home. We got a little over 12 inches accumulation when all was said and done (about 16 or so total snow fall - made for a great Vail day on Saturday, which I indulged in while Suz was at work...sorry had to rub it in), needless to say the snow blower my parents gave to Suz and I for Christmas came in mighty handy! So all winter goes by and no snow, then comes spring and we get hit with a blizzard? Colorado is a bit odd, probably why we love it here so much. The good thing about the blizzard, it gave us a chance to add the white stripes to Mini Meli's room:

It's still a work in progress but we are almost thing up should be the brown piping on each side of the white stripes and then the little modern mural Suz and I want to add to the solid blue wall, as usual we will update as we go. :)

Oh, here is a little pic of Lucy running in the back yard the day after the blizzard:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Started on the baby room!

Well Suz and decided it was time to tackle the mini Meli's room and we must say, so far we are liking the base colors we picked. You'd think it's normal to like a color you picked and then put it on a wall and still like it right? NO! Not in the Meli house. We pride ourselves in picking a color that looks just AMAZING on a 1 inch by 1 inch piece of paper then put it up on four walls or more and hate it...but with this room we got it right! Suz and I still have a bit more work to do in there but these are the base colors:

The last one is me attempting our initial mural, it came out the way we wanted and thought it would...we just delved into the history of the image a little more and it turned out to be the logo for Twitter...

So we abandoned that and went with our own design, which is hopefully to be completed this weekend. Here are a couple shots of my wife and growing son at week 22...he is about 11 inches tall and weighs about a pound. Suz's belly is really starting to grow and I'm seriously amazing at this little incubation center in her stomach! Even cooler is the fact that he is moving around and I can feel it!

On a little side news, if you have a WellsFargo account I noticed today they are allowing you to customize your check or credit card with a picture insert or background. I just had to act, here is what I put in for:

It was from an Old Man/Woman theme party...I really hope they do not decline the image since they have last word on it, I'll be sure to update as soon as I find out.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wk 21 pics

Hey all,
So Suz's belly is growing at a great rate right now, which means that Mini Boy Meli is also growing! Here is a quick up date of the belly shots, notice the tan Suz has going on? That's from the standing out in the wonderful sun during the St. Patrick's day parade over the weekend and the temps being in the 70's most of the week, feels like Spring around here!

Also this week we begin our baby room painting extravaganza, should be loads of fun!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ultrasound uploads

Here they folks! A few snap shots from this morning:

So the top one is, I guess ,how they can tell if it's a boy or girl...I think the nurse saw a look in on my face and assured me that it's much larger in person. Second shot is of the kids foot...that one is pretty easy.

These guys are pretty easy to figure out also, top one is a profile of mini Meli basically laying on his back. The little white dot is either his hand or a lima bean Suz eat last night. The second one is him looking right at you, also laying on the side.

This one I call the angry face, it's kinda spooky looking if you ask me...I might blow it up and use it as his first halloween mask, who knows.

58% of you were's a BOY!

Just a quick update, the 20 week ultrasound showed a lot of good stuff! Got measurements on all the long bones (Femur, Humerus), the other extremities and the head. We heard the fetal heart beat, coming in at 148 beats per minute (normal range is 120-160). Funny thing is we were reading a book about it last week and read you might be able to hear it with a stethoscope. Suz and I hopped in bed and started poking around (keep the mind out of the gutter!) and actually found it, so we heard it last week :)

All measurements are right on target and the kid is dating at 20 weeks, so everything looks to be right on schedule! We'll post up the pics of the ultrasound tonight! Got to say this was by far the best of the Doc visits!

PS- did I mention it's a boy!?!?!?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 20!

First off apologies for the Week 19's non posting of the belly, we needed a small break, bUT this week is the magical week! Suz is half way through the pregnancy, on Tuesday we find out the sex of the baby, oh yeah and it feels like this kid is a heartbeat away from being here...which is both really really exciting and starting to build on the anxiety of yours truly, soon to be Daddy Leo. So first off let's show off that wonderful belly of Suzi-Q:

Looking pretty darn good if you ask me!

So our off Friday Suz and I decided to take a break from fixing up the house and running errands and all the usual stuff we do on our off Friday to get outside and go for a small hike (there has been an early break into spring weather and so we want to enjoy it!). So we went to Bear Creek park to hit up the little hiking trail. In doing so we ran across a fitness trail and decided to give it a little go, check out the link for a few pics of our mini excursion:
Fitness Loop

Then Saturday rolled around and we decided it's about time to shed some light into our ever dark living room. Our initial plan was to put up a skylight, ahhhh dreamers, that is what Suz and I are! In the end we went with some recessed lighting and it turned out pretty good if I say so myself! Another link if feel so inclined:
Recessed Lights

Well all, we will post on Tuesday with the sex of the baby, maybe the ultra sound if Mini Meli is past his/her scary looking phase!