Tuesday, March 10, 2009

58% of you were right...it's a BOY!

Just a quick update, the 20 week ultrasound showed a lot of good stuff! Got measurements on all the long bones (Femur, Humerus), the other extremities and the head. We heard the fetal heart beat, coming in at 148 beats per minute (normal range is 120-160). Funny thing is we were reading a book about it last week and read you might be able to hear it with a stethoscope. Suz and I hopped in bed and started poking around (keep the mind out of the gutter!) and actually found it, so we heard it last week :)

All measurements are right on target and the kid is dating at 20 weeks, so everything looks to be right on schedule! We'll post up the pics of the ultrasound tonight! Got to say this was by far the best of the Doc visits!

PS- did I mention it's a boy!?!?!?

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