Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 23

So week 23 is here and Suzi is still growing away, which is a good thing of course! Here are the belly pics:

On a somewhat related note, Denver got hit with a blizzard on Thursday, shutting down the Lockheed Facility and the EF office, as did a lot of other businesses making for a long drive home. We got a little over 12 inches accumulation when all was said and done (about 16 or so total snow fall - made for a great Vail day on Saturday, which I indulged in while Suz was at work...sorry had to rub it in), needless to say the snow blower my parents gave to Suz and I for Christmas came in mighty handy! So all winter goes by and no snow, then comes spring and we get hit with a blizzard? Colorado is a bit odd, probably why we love it here so much. The good thing about the blizzard, it gave us a chance to add the white stripes to Mini Meli's room:

It's still a work in progress but we are almost thing up should be the brown piping on each side of the white stripes and then the little modern mural Suz and I want to add to the solid blue wall, as usual we will update as we go. :)

Oh, here is a little pic of Lucy running in the back yard the day after the blizzard:

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