Sunday, March 8, 2009

Week 20!

First off apologies for the Week 19's non posting of the belly, we needed a small break, bUT this week is the magical week! Suz is half way through the pregnancy, on Tuesday we find out the sex of the baby, oh yeah and it feels like this kid is a heartbeat away from being here...which is both really really exciting and starting to build on the anxiety of yours truly, soon to be Daddy Leo. So first off let's show off that wonderful belly of Suzi-Q:

Looking pretty darn good if you ask me!

So our off Friday Suz and I decided to take a break from fixing up the house and running errands and all the usual stuff we do on our off Friday to get outside and go for a small hike (there has been an early break into spring weather and so we want to enjoy it!). So we went to Bear Creek park to hit up the little hiking trail. In doing so we ran across a fitness trail and decided to give it a little go, check out the link for a few pics of our mini excursion:
Fitness Loop

Then Saturday rolled around and we decided it's about time to shed some light into our ever dark living room. Our initial plan was to put up a skylight, ahhhh dreamers, that is what Suz and I are! In the end we went with some recessed lighting and it turned out pretty good if I say so myself! Another link if feel so inclined:
Recessed Lights

Well all, we will post on Tuesday with the sex of the baby, maybe the ultra sound if Mini Meli is past his/her scary looking phase!

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