Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh Christmas tree...Oh Christmas tree!

This entry is slightly out of order, but the day of the basement flood was the same day we went out and got a tree to brighten our mood. So I wanted to break that up a bit and post this little entry after the news of the flood and news of the's been a busy week for sure.

Any who, the day the flood happened in the basement we were pretty beat and pretty down, but NOT OUT! So we decided to run out and get a tree to liven up the spirit of our have ruined home (not really ruined, the place is officially dry as of today, and carpet will be relaid and finished by Tuesday - 12/9). So here is Noble, the Noble Fir:

Dressing Noble Fir Meli:

And Suz pulling a dangerous move to top it:

A little family pic and an individual of Lucy:

So that is all, Noble Fir Meli brought a little of the Christmas spirit to the Meli house,. Oh and we decided...hell the Christmas tree is up, let's exchange we did :) Neither of us have that delayed gratification down quite yet.


Anonymous said...

LOL Look at Lucy! She's looking at you two kissing. :)


Nonna Josie said...

very good looking tree and cute pose while placing the star at the top of the tree Suzi...However, what's up with your glow in the dark striped sweater Leo?

Leo and Suzi Meli said...

The stripe on the jacket is a reflective strip for when I like to run in the middle of night, down a busy street or freeway