Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week 7

Suz here. Here are the Week 7 belly pics as well as the first ultrasound pic!

Can you tell I ate a lot of salt this weekend?!? Leo came with for the appointment and we were able to see the heartbeat and the yolk sac (what's in there, a baby chicken?!) The nurse said that once you see those two things, there is only a 3% chance of a miscarriage. Good news! She asked me to come back in two weeks because they weren't able to get an accurate measurement of mini Meli.

By the way, I am feeling really good. I get pretty tired in the early evenings, meaning 7pm and I am exhausted! No morning sickness, yay! I have been exercising regularly and surprisingly haven't missed my 5+ cup of coffee habit too much. I won't lie though, I am very sad about missing out on snowboarding this season. I made sure that Leo was aware that next season he would be spending some time in the lodge with the kid while mama goes out to shred the gnar!!!

Leo, by the way, is an amazing husband. Can I just say that? He has been taking even better care of me than he usually does. :-) He is going to be a great papa!

Last thing, I will start including waist and hip measurements so that we can all compare week to week. As of today:
Waist 29.5 in
Hips 38.5 in (5 in below belly button)


BrAnt said...

Oh my goodness! The little one has leo's nose and your eyes! ;) LOVE this blog...very good!

Leo and Suzi Meli said...

HAHA! The RN said she could tell it was going to be hairy and have a unibrow also ;)

Unknown said...

Mini Meli...I like it. :)